Welcome to Discovery Kids

Discovery Kids is the children's ministry at Milton Keynes Christian Centre. We're all about kids having fun and learning about Jesus on their level!

Visit This Sunday

What is Discovery Kids?

We’re all about kids having fun and learning about Jesus on their level! We want to “encourage every child to dig deeper and discover Jesus for themselves.”

Every Sunday, children experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way. We would love you and your family to visit Discovery Kids this Sunday. Join the fun, and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!

Discovery Kids

Your First Visit

Your first stop when you arrive is the check in area. We want to serve you and your child well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you. We’ll ask about allergies, make sure we know what your child likes to be called, and collect your contact information.

Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. If for any reason we need to reach you during the service, you’ll see your child’s code displayed on the screen. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick-up your child after gathering.

Visit Discovery Kids this Sunday

We would love for you and your family to visit Discovery Kids this Sunday. Join the fun, and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!

Book a Visit

Each Sunday, children are welcome to join Discovery Kids at each of our three services.

We’re passionate about children discovering Jesus as their own personal saviour and pursuing a deeper relationship with Him. We want every child to discover more about the purpose He has for their lives in an age appropriate way, through fun activities and creative teaching that will engage them at their own level. Each class designed for its own age group.

• Wonder – Age 2
• Imagine – Age 3 – Reception
• Explore – Years 1 – 3
• Impact – Years 4 – 6


Children see the wonder of God through the love, care, and prayer.


Children imagine through Bible stories, activities, worship, and prayer.


Children explore who God is and learn about His great love for us.


Children learn what it means to make an impact as a Christian.

Interested in touring Discovery Kids?

If your family has any questions or would like to see what a Discovery Kids environment looks like, we would love to help! Fill out this form, and someone will be in touch!

Request a Tour

Special Environments

Baby Place

Baby Place is a relaxing environment where you can take your baby (under 2’s) during services on a Sunday. It is a room and play area where you are able to enjoy the service while being able to change, feed and play with your baby. To find the Baby Place, please ask one of our Welcome Team.

The Zone

The Zone is designed for children aged 2 - School Year 6 and accessible for those whose parents attend two entire services due to their volunteer commitments. We want to enable parents to serve and attend services knowing their child is in a safe, secure and caring environment.


Konnect is for families who have children with additional needs. In Konnect, children and young people with additional needs have buddies who meet them where they’re at and help them understand the good news about Jesus, regardless of physical, emotional or intellectual needs.

Discipleship Groups

DK Groups is our mid-week discipleship programme for primary age children. It’s a great environment to learn more about the Bible and Jesus at their level and at the same time develop meaningful friendships with their leader and other children in their group.

Discovery Kids Online

Discovery Kids Online is a fully programmed online experience for your kids that includes games, Bible stories, activities, and lots of fun! Kids won’t spend the full time stuck to a screen, but instead will be encouraged to be active during worship and games.

Parents and Toddlers

If you have children under the age of 5 then this group is for you! It’s a great place for children to interact with other children their own age and a great place for parents to build new friendships and share their own experiences.

Follow Us

See what happens each week in Discovery Kids by following us on social media!